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Organic Radical Battery: The future to a cleaner planet!

Thursday, December 9, 2010 ·

For all you Eco-freaks, i got a great news! The Japanese electronics giant NEC has developed a new thin and ultra flexible organic radical battery... A bright future for the Eco-concern people as this will very well be the end of the Li-on battery...which has been littering mother earth since the beginning of mobile boom..

This little battery produces 1.4 times more output than the existing units.
The prototype battery remains nearly full capacity, even after repeated charge-discharge cycle, due to anodes that feature the same carbon material as lithium-ion batteries. It produces a higher output due to the use of highly conductive cathodes. A very good news cause we can see they have worked hard in eliminating any sort of inefficiencies we can find in a normal battery.

The battery is just the size of a coin, 0.7mm thin and has a capacity of 5mAh.

The great news about the battery is its physical property. Since it is thin and flexible it can now be embedded into conductive dress material. This actually widens the path to future fashion faux pas with introduction to glowing dresses or even embedded mp3 players to ones attire. Another great application would be electronic paper. An even greater gain in eco-conservation as this would end the merciless clearing of the greens. Well it serves a role of even greater importance once it enters the military applications from infantry location to relaying ones internal physical conditions. This is a great step to the future of embedded technology as of all the important parts in a gadget the battery is the heart of it all!

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