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An assault on counter strike!

Sunday, December 26, 2010 ·

Months of trials and now addiction has led me to write the review of this little game, The Assault Cube.

We are all familiar to the genre of game revolutionized by the almighty Counter Strike.
And everyone will accept the fact that, that game single handedly won the "West".
But now this is the David who has come to challenge the Goliath. 
Assault cube, as any other game of this genre is revolving around the much important "playability factor". Since its an online game it must have just enough graphics so as to facilitate in easy and smooth run while playing multiplayer. Just as in the Counter Strike Series. This game can be actually played in the simplest of computer rig, sometimes not even needing a graphic card. Which is great for casual gamers with net books. 
Unlike the details seen in the Mega series like Call Of Duty and Battlefield Bad company, This game is more oriented to game play and ease of use.

Some screen shots i got to show:

The game is actually way different from Counter Strike. In CS you have to purchase your own weapons before you begin the round. But in assault Cube the weapons and ammos are strewn around in the map. You have to pick them up as you fight. This is good in a way that nobody has any advantage. The winner and looser is all upto the strategy they use. Nobody can have a stockpile of weapons. You get different weapons in this way. Your default weapon is an MP 5 and a Desert eagle. You must pick up Kevlar and helmet in the same way. Its a pretty decent game when compared to the CS's graphics. There is a lot of reality. The recoil of the gun throws the crosswire in haphazard direction. And the gameplay is very very user-friendly. To get scope in sniper one has to just hold the right click. Very easy when you want to shift between scope and main view.

As shown above you must procure the necessary armaments my collecting them like power ups. This game is very similar to Unreal Tournament. The game play is pretty fast and a real winner when you want to play a game without hiccups with all your friends in a rainy day.

You can select a single player game somewhat like CS where you play against bots. This game seriously sucks in that aspect. The game play is too fast sometimes for humans and the map too vast and taunts the player. Difficulty setting are not present so noobs may find the game intimidating in this mode.

In multiplayer version you have options such as Join server, Join local network, etc etc. This is where all the fun is. The game is kickass, and all your friends, i bet, will love to join this game. It handles really well even on a 256 kbps connection and i am pretty sure, that with the graphics nullified even dial-ups can handle this game!

In case your friends are not around, you dont have to lose hope. This game has a global server where you can connect with clans outside your region and play with them. This often backfires and you are the ghost in most of the rounds. 

The main motive of the game is to get the flag and defend it from enemies for a fixed amount of time. The time limit may be set by the host.

Verdict: I would give this game 8.5/10. This is a game that has come to challenge the top guns and pretty much did the job for which it was created. To get into the hearts of a Gamer. Which it definitely did. Amazing pick, dont miss it.

To download this game, visit our downloads page.

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