After a long time, i finally have the freedom to write again, and well enough motivation to continue considering i made only 10 bucks from this site this year. But i can't complain for the eternal web always provides me with the fodder to write anytime, all the time..
The thing about this game is that, by the time you read this far, u might have already finished the game. Its so saddening, just the fact that the game is like a hamster you got for your Christmas gift that couldn't survive till spring break. The game was shorter than, well 2 episodes of Sherlock... but so much enjoyable!!
You start off with a torn american flag in the middle of the Saudi desert and the first level puts you at the edge shooting choppers off the skies only to be treated to a cliched "the flashback" game play.A thrilling 3rd person that ended like a premature ejaculation of a 16 year old, amazing yet screwed up experience for him..as the same with the game.

The lunatics in their ranking include the bayonets who charge at u with a knife like a hippie on drugs and the heavy [freakishly close to Yuri's costume in COD:MW3 ending] packed with armor. Grenades are of three types and all are scarce while you may command your team mates to help you by locking targets for them and ordering grenade lobbing.
The levels are challenging and one could stop in the middle and admire the scenic vistas in the game "which i did coz i didn't want the game to end too fast".
they say ammo is equivalent to gold [which is so fucking true in this game] however i felt crippled when i found that every time i restarted a checkpoint [coz i died] i got a little extra ammo... "i don't need your charity motherfucker!!" but it helped and well if u replay same checkpoint one too many times a dialogue box asks u if u wanna level down [that's an order Walker!]
Spoiler Alert!
The game is the story of three soldiers Walker, Adams and Lugo searching for the damned 33rd Company sent out to rescue civilians before the sandstorm destroys the entire Dubai [which btw is a no-mans land]. Events happen as they find out 33rd has gone rogue and are against any americans and the CIA. They step into the enemies lair trying to finish off the rogues before any damage happens and are actually led to a trap [pfff as always!]. Here a CIA agent named Goud helps them out and in the process he is killed. Eventuallly Lugo and Adams too lose their life for Walker[you] and at the end you try to seek revenge for all that has happened only to find the person responsible was dead long back. Walker was actually hallucinating about every threat he faced and in the process killed innocent lives. Yes! the innocent blood in your hands! The intels [which they copied from COD..only much better] can be easily found as they glow making this game a fulfilling action fun.The climax was amazing and that made me play the game all over again. Oh u read till here, by now you would have finished the game all over again too! If you are having a lazy Sunday evening with nothing better to do, start this game and by tea you would have finished it clean.
the multiplayer is clean and simple. Steam or lan and just like COD you get to rank up and unlock camos and weapons and spec tactics..
all in all its like an relly delicious cupcake..only bite sized.
I'd give it 7.5/10 for its gameplay and graphics
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