If a core gamer reads the title of this post he'll be as excited as i am writing about it now. I recently had the liberty to get myself the new Call of Duty:Black ops! The best seller of all the CODs.Although i had to shell out a few extra bucks but what the hell its worth it.
The BLACK OPS is the 7th part by the Treyarch's, adding to the family of CALL OF DUTY or COD as it is notoriously known :)
Now coming to the serious part!The game as a whole. What is so good in it that its world renowned and so popular? well keep reading and you will know why the hype exactly.
Starting with the Graphics and sound, If your a gamer and you tend to look at minute details black ops does not let you down! The graphics is just outstanding.They've made made it so realistic that from the drop of sweat to the blood spilling out when you get your kill just looks like a movie! They've worked a lot with the animations because now they not hold the knee and fall dead but have various actions for different kills.A bullet to the head or a bullet to the knee will be totally different so i hope you get my point!
Sound,what's so special this time? well i quite did not like the conversations because everyone in the game tend to Speak a lot rather than concentrating in the mission and its details! apart from that the Background Music is truly amazing and it suits the situation precisely.
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Flame thrower in action. |
There is the campaign mode which has various difficulties and can be chosen according to your talent :P
The Multiplayer mode which is the icing on the cream , i'll tell you why down the post.
The zombie mode for playing along with a couple of friends.
The gameplay is just similar to the previous versions about your character fighting alongside a group of people in a particular organization to make sure things are better in the world,in Black ops the entire story seems to be an interrogation which allows the vast location changes to look appropriate. Although the interrogation looks kinda out-of-the way with the narrator getting into your characters head by flashing numbers they've made it look real!
That's you flying a chopper. |
Bdw your character is Alex mason done by Sam worthington.The story is a bit difficult to be kept track of because of the complex nature of it.The game has a lot of new stuffs ranging from flying a helicopter to riding a motorcycle to riding a boat, yeah you can do it all. Brings back the GTA memories doesn't it? But just all the more real and dangerous.The one draw back i found was that it was too scripted just to make it all dramatic which deprives the gamer his main need the choice! You are bound to do what they want us to. And bdw the game is very small i finished it in 8hr stretch so don't expect it to be all long and time consuming.Well this is all about the campaign mode.
The reason for people to keep playing this game is the MULTPLAYER mode, which has numerous additions like customizing your gun, face paint,Player experience and what not.You can even buy new weapons using your points and customize your guns by adding your own target or a flame thrower or a grenade launcher.Its all there experiment and master your weapon.There is this Wager match that allows gamers to Bet with their points guessing how they will do and the top three in the match wins the prize.Well this could just be the next big thing in gaming which makes things even more competitive,even for all you veterans out there.With better maps and weapons and killstreaks and contracts its just a thumbs up :) and bdw if your a noob please take some combat practice because it can quite mess your minds you know being shot and dying now and then.So, get used to that before entering this mode.
There is the zombie mode too just like COD 5 where friends among each other have to kill zombies, its split screen so its not much of the fun but playing with your friends is a great deal is it not?
Well the cinematography of this game is the most commendable aspect. I am sure tryarch will team up with activision again to bring something as legendary as modern warfare 1. Nothing beats that game!
So,what's my say in this, well CALL OF DUTY:BLACK OPS is not the best COD ever till date.The upgrades in the Animation ,facial expressions , the guns, the helicopters - bikes - blasts :D but the game play is a tad stretchy. Its all there you just have to discover the soldier in you! Don't worry about the price its truly worth it. Cheers :D
PS: If you've a console better for all you PC gamers you need a great gaming rig like Ani's to make this happen , read the posts in the blog to know about various upgrades and great deals.
So until next time GAME ON :)
For TechnoManiacz
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